Friday, June 30, 2006

Pressure on Girls

I'm sure most girls can agree that there's a greater amount of pressure for girls to looks good... instead of guys... Guys stroll about with their torn jeans and jerseys and some sneakers.. when they get dressy it's simply a stripey shirt instead of a t-shirt. How hard can it be???

But for girls it's a different story. But who puts this pressure on the girls? It's the guys~~~~!!! I've really felt this before. Truth be told, my hair has come a long way. Back in my huge short hair days,there were these boys who never payed that much attention to me. Those exact people are being extremely aware of my presence and contacting me since all that has changed. bye bye big hair, hellow straightener... and thinning haircuts.... It's annoying.. and shallow.. Well it's true i could even fall over laughing at old pictures of myself.. haha. yes i could. When i had my new I.C done, the lady behind the counter who disposed my old I.C snickered before she sliced it.. aaargh.. haha..

I spend a lot of time watching things that happen around me. People tend to gush over the beautiful girl. I was watching a group of friends with one exceptionally pretty girl and the guys always payed attention to that girl. Maybe the other girls don't realize it.. but what if they do. It would be horrible for their self esteem. They shouldn't feel they need to be beautiful in order to me acknowledged.

Back to the point... guys need not care that much about their appearance but why do they put so much pressure on girls to look good. The money, the makeup, the clothes, the plunging necklines, the push up bra's (for the girls which guys call airport!!!).. the poor things.. It's so much pressure on girls. And when a girl cares too much about her appearance.. she is termed.. vain and perasan.. and a bimbo.. arrgh..

These thoughts in my head were triggered due to a discussion of a gorgeous girl who is claimed to have plastic surgery. I think plastic surgery is never the way to go but the thing is sometimes girls feel pressure. If that's the only thing that's going to make them feel good about themselves and keep them happy.. maybe it's their only choice. . . I know a girl should be able to know it's one inside that counts, but sometimes it will take them a while to see that.:)

xoxo charlene

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