Sunday, May 13, 2007

i'm annoYed By tHis FeeLing

u know when u study, there are moments and times where everything is just flying into your head. Then, there is the times where, you wide awake, alert but just can't concentrate. You read a sentence 3 times and finally get it and someone asks u about it in 5 mins and you can't remember. I have been studying Orthopedics. Yes, carpal tunnel and tennis elbow but all the other stuff is driving me crazy. I have so much left to do
i have
obs and gynae
get thru medical sch book
past year q's
The time right now is 2.48pm. I have to go to morissons and get lunch or else i will mati kebuluran. Exam is tomorrow at 2pm. I have less than 24 hours to get all of this done. I hope my mind will become a super sucking sponge by the time i get back.
I'm watching Season 1 of Desperate Housewives as I study.
I have to give up coffee.. coz i usually do so 24 hours before and exam. So it's a juicy life for me.. i've got apple mango which is delicious and pink grapefruit which is something that will kick start my engines.
I'm craving for wild grain rice and something, gonna scout the microwave food section of morrisons. I can't eat any more pasta, i may give birth to an italian.
I just wish i could get a great big hug and be told that don't worry you can do it.
I trust God to help me through this Progress Test.
"I Trust in You, O Lord"

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