Friday, June 30, 2006

coming to you live from 45 the royals!!!!!

this is a life broadcast... podcast... haha.. nah
we've once again found ourselves at 45 the royals.. the site of so many little insanities???
rememeber the game brought to us courtesy of Vincent Tan Pok Chien.?? yeap.. it's on again tonight..
we started off with twenty one.. but lets face it.. no one is in the mood to think let alone count..
then it was a series of intimate questions.. very proud of some boyfriends who respected their girlfriends.. whether they were at the party tonight or not... and kept that bits of information to themselves..
i am able to blog because we are having an intermission... it will resume shortly...
yum... munching on my bag on cheese and onion chips....
i had kfc today... a whole bucket... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
twas fun
tonight for the non drinkers amongst us.. the ultimate punishment for them besides the pints and pints of water is extremely diluted coke... ewwwwww... it's gross..
it's like drinking water from someone's old coke glass...catch my drift???
well, i'm returning to the party... more juicy details later... not that juicy... what is answered at 45 the royals.. stays here..
xoxo charlene

Pressure on Girls

I'm sure most girls can agree that there's a greater amount of pressure for girls to looks good... instead of guys... Guys stroll about with their torn jeans and jerseys and some sneakers.. when they get dressy it's simply a stripey shirt instead of a t-shirt. How hard can it be???

But for girls it's a different story. But who puts this pressure on the girls? It's the guys~~~~!!! I've really felt this before. Truth be told, my hair has come a long way. Back in my huge short hair days,there were these boys who never payed that much attention to me. Those exact people are being extremely aware of my presence and contacting me since all that has changed. bye bye big hair, hellow straightener... and thinning haircuts.... It's annoying.. and shallow.. Well it's true i could even fall over laughing at old pictures of myself.. haha. yes i could. When i had my new I.C done, the lady behind the counter who disposed my old I.C snickered before she sliced it.. aaargh.. haha..

I spend a lot of time watching things that happen around me. People tend to gush over the beautiful girl. I was watching a group of friends with one exceptionally pretty girl and the guys always payed attention to that girl. Maybe the other girls don't realize it.. but what if they do. It would be horrible for their self esteem. They shouldn't feel they need to be beautiful in order to me acknowledged.

Back to the point... guys need not care that much about their appearance but why do they put so much pressure on girls to look good. The money, the makeup, the clothes, the plunging necklines, the push up bra's (for the girls which guys call airport!!!).. the poor things.. It's so much pressure on girls. And when a girl cares too much about her appearance.. she is termed.. vain and perasan.. and a bimbo.. arrgh..

These thoughts in my head were triggered due to a discussion of a gorgeous girl who is claimed to have plastic surgery. I think plastic surgery is never the way to go but the thing is sometimes girls feel pressure. If that's the only thing that's going to make them feel good about themselves and keep them happy.. maybe it's their only choice. . . I know a girl should be able to know it's one inside that counts, but sometimes it will take them a while to see that.:)

xoxo charlene

Thursday, June 29, 2006

the mystery, strangeness and peculiar ways of Charlene

After months of endless thinking and havoc in my head ... blogging and removing blogs... i figured out what's wrong with me. I'm able to see things clearer now. To all who have been a victim of my bad "characteristic" i apologize. I'm really sorry... i didn't mean to... I didn't know better. But now i do... i'll make it up to u all

Love u all

Monday, June 26, 2006

Photos from Jaycen's Birthday

can't seem to put these up with the post i did.. so i'll put them up separately...:)

A Birthday Party.. At Printworks.. and The JOURNEY back

Went out yesterday to celebrate another birthday party...:)
Had a yummy big platter but i was a bit too full to actually enjoy it being the pig i was having binged on a late lunch.
I found someone who is scared of me.. he denies it.. but i think it may be true.. haha.. finally someone is scared of me... *i'm sure he will be reading this blog*
I got a helium balloon at the party (such a kid huh?) yeap and then.. i kinda was a clumsy woman and let it go.... it's still floating at the ceiling of the Printworks..
The scary thing about this night was the journey home. Well me and yvinne managed to get the tram from Shudehill because of the change in the service for that particular day. Just a few stops later this group of people who appeared to be a family got into the end of the tram. Within a little while there was an argument... i assumed it would be about football since the world cup in on and all.
2 people who had been sitting at the back in the midst of the arguments and the shouting moved to sit in the front ..
Yvinne had been holding her helium balloon up high.. once the arguments got scary... she gently pulled it down....
(that was funny~!!! what an odd thing.. a balloon in the midst of their fight?)
Anyway, the fighting.. and i am sure there was some physical violence as well continue for about 10 stops i think..
when i curiously looked behind us i noticed they had beers on them. There was a elder looking man.. hitting two teenagers..
just as we were about to reach our stop... the fight moved up the tram and got more violent.. there was punching and kicking and beer can flew of the guy's hand.. somehow... the argument reached where we were sitting... the two people involved in the argument were blocking either tram door .. i don't wanna go pass them and say "excuse me"!!! in the enraged state they were it.. i'm pretty sure i'd get knocked in the head..
Eventually Yvinne and I managed to slide pass the teenager... we figured.. it would be safer to go pass him than the elder man who was hitting them...
As we were leaving we saw the teenager take a glass bottle of vodka out of his pocket and hold it up as if he wanted to hit the older guy with it...
we have no idea what happened next because.. we were fine and safe and running across the road to our little flat.. .in SALFORD.
i hope it all turned out ok and no one was hurt..
i wondered why the tram driver did not stop the tram and control the situation. But as i walked out, i noticed it was a female conductor..

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Lamborghini Gallardo Promo video

One helluva sexy car

Monday, June 19, 2006

trying to overcome on of my greatest fears

Moths and Butterflies.
Moths more than butterflies
it scared me even googling this picture.
it's ridiculous
but that's my only wierd thing

especially this variety
They lurk about malaysia
get them awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Sunday, June 18, 2006

making an effort to blog.

Well, it's been a tiring couple of days. Birthday after birthday. It's amazing that there are 3 IMU students in Manchester having their birthdays almost in a row! 15th June, 16th June and 18th June.
There have been loads of pictures of the events, but i don't have any... i didn't bring my camera with me.. what's the point of ANOTHER camera at a party...

Here's a photo of Yi Jun's birthday courtesy of the ever so efficient Steph~
with Yi jun grinning away..

We bought Amanda a birthday present but unfortunately, i have been informed that she will not be receiving it until we come back from Malaysia... in August.. arrrgh...

Jaycen's birthday was followed by a crazy load of puke. No kidding..
After a nice dinner, the Mancunian men and a couple of boys set out to make Jaycen Drunk..
In my mind, i had this picture of a drunken Jaycen which involved him wobbling about and break dancing.. and potentially dancing with Men in a Gay cLub..
I think.. there was too much excitement and it happened so fast...
Ray the Gay started it out by buying Jaycen 2 shots of tequila.. and then on it all spiralled outta control....
Jaycen's reaction to the large alcohol invading him was to sit and stone. . . Soon, the boys were in the toilet helping him puke???,.. yeah, i don't know how much helping went on.. there was even time for photos of him puking and then the puke... "what in the world~!!!!"

By about 2 plus, Jaycen was back in his room sleeping..

By the way, this weeked we had two glaswegian pharmacy students with us..:)

Now, i want to just rest and sit at home until it's time for me to watch Tokyo Drift:)
and i actually really really can do that.. my SSC now requred 2 hours of me a week... wooohoooo baby

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Well, last night i realized where the GP practice i was to spend the next 4 weeks at was. It was in ORdsall. All this while i thought it was around Salford Quay, a beautiful, classy area. I knew that would be safe. After a while on the GMPTE, i realized it was in Ordsall. So, i tried to figure out where that was.
I found out that my gp's office was actually at this neighbourhood i had seen before and thought looked really deserted. I had to travel there alone *gulp*... the bus stops at the main road and i was to walk in alone.. freaky.
Being the first day, i took a taxi there to avoid the aimless walking in deserted neighbourhood.
My doctor was wonderful. A really nice lady and it was going to be a very relaxed 4 weeks. She even dropped me off back at my place for lunch:)...
I came back in the afternoon for a 30 minute session and was done for the day. I took the bus this time and i realized there was another way to walk into the neighbourhood which was connected to the main road. There is a short distance which still makes me brisk walk like crazy but, i don't seem to have to go into the GP practice much so i guess it's ok:)